Sunday, January 31, 2016

Twitter And What I Found There

Being a film major, it was easy to find deliberation about films scattered across Twitter, but tough to find a profile solely dedicated to discussion with a big enough following. I was eventually able to find some small feeds dedicated to film.

1. What kinds of things do people on Twitter seem to be talking about, debating, arguing about or otherwise engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas about?
The majority of replies to major film accounts launched into debates on current movie trends, with each participant essentially unleashing his or her inner professional film critic. A good majority of the tweets offer constructive criticism on the state of film in general. "Major studios shouldn't intervene with the director's creative process," or "Reboots need to focus on new material."

2. In your opinion, what are the two most interesting conversations or stories you found in the Twitter feeds?
One short discussion in particular analyzed whether a film's cinematography or editing should come first in production. While the replies aren't exactly dense in terms of criticism, but people seem to be talking about how much contrast there is between the processes of editing and story writing, and debates grow about which is more important.

3. Overall, what impression do you get of your discipline based on what you saw happening on Twitter?
For the most part, I saw many scarcely placed tweets criticizing films from a subjective reviewer's standpoint, and I was expecting this. You never know what crazy characters you'll find on the internet, but the age difference amidst commenters was a large testament to the topics discussed. For every "This movie was a triumph, a great watch!!" there's always a "the academy can lick my asshole."

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