Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production

This week in post-production went surprisingly smoothly. My happiness is amplified since this is the most important project in terms of our grade.

For the most part, I was able to manage my time very well in the past week. I got more done in less time than I ever had in this class, and I think the main reason for that was the fact that I was working with audio, which I find to be pretty fun. It was enlightening to listen to my past conversation and learn more about how I speak (whether good or bad). Technology was friendly to me this week, which is a major plus.

The only thing that really went wrong this week was the fact that I had to cut a significant amount of the podcast to give it a reasonable length. It was a little disheartening having to remove some components of the argument from the podcast, and it still turned out to be fairly lengthy. That being said, the most important elements of the argument remain in the final product.

Next week seems like it'll be pretty lax. This was probably my favorite project in this class for both writing and producing.

I feel good about this project, as I put a lot of effort into making it effectively convey an argument that many would label as subjective. Many good points are brought up, and I believe I accurately followed the directions and allowed for a comfortable listening experience.

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