Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

The post-production phase was an interesting one. Although there was a lot of work to be done, it was probably the most fun I had editing the project.

My project is a podcast on Star Wars: The Force Awakens and whether it is deserving of the praise it has garnered with such a similar story to the original movie. The audio is in the form of a round-table discussion with two of my friends who are also well-versed in the topic.

As far as weaknesses go, the main thing would definitely be the length. There was a lot of good conversation but it ultimately added up to over thirty minutes of talking. It was slightly painful to cut out some good moments, and even then I was only able to get it down to about twenty. I also hope that I did a decent enough job at editing, and that the cuts aren't extremely noticeable.

I'm proud of my work on this project because I was able to convey an argument that went over all of the required points in a mostly unscripted conversation between three people. I went over some basic ground that I wanted to cover, but ultimately we were able to bring up adequate topics on the spot.

The fine cut of my project can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacob!

    The project is extremely thorough, and the amount of enthusiasm is very good. It is extremely beneficial that you were able to get another voice in there as well. Having different people come in and voice their opinion, especially differing opinions was very good. My one recommendation however would be to try and watch the time on the podcast, as the podcast gets long and it is hard to keep the audience's attention for such a long time frame with just listening to people talking.
