Sunday, March 6, 2016

My Interview Subjects

Here is a quick briefing of the subjects I'll be interviewing.

Dr. Bradley Schauer
Dr. Bradley J Schauer, Assistant Professor, School of Theatre, Film and Television, University of Arizona. Worked as professor since 2010.
Interview scheduled for March 7th, 2016 at 1:50 in Marshall 230.

Staff page

Interview questions:
-Can you describe your profession?
-In what situations do you find yourself requiring to create an informative text?
-What genres do you typically utilize in your writings?
-Can you describe your writing process?
-How does research factor into your process?
-What are your primary objectives when making a text (things to look out for)?
-You are obviously well-kempt in the subject of film history. How effectively do you feel your format conveys this information?
-Why do you prefer the Powerpoint structure over other options?
-Do you encounter any frustrations in your writing process? How do you remedy them?
-Are you satisfied with the results of your writing process?

Michael Mulcahy
Michael Mulcahy, Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Film and Television, University of Arizona. B.F.A. in General Fine Arts, University of Arizona; M.F.A. in Film and Media Arts, Temple University. Worked as professor since 1999.
Interview scheduled for March 9th, 2016 at 9:00 in Marshall 227.

Staff page

Interview questions:
-Can you describe your profession?
-In what situations do you find yourself requiring to create an informative text?
-What genres do you typically utilize in your writings?
-Can you describe your writing process?
-How does research factor into your process?
-What are your primary objectives when making a text (things to look out for)?
-You are obviously well-kempt in the aesthetics of film and media. How effectively do you feel your format conveys this information?
-You tend to employ a mixture of text-based lectures and example footage. Why do you prefer this method above other options?
-Do you encounter any frustrations in your writing process? How do you remedy them?
-Are you satisfied with the results of your writing process?

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