Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

Well, shit.

The project's well done for the most part. I think the video's pretty entertaining and informative. It's just that, when I think about the project I feel that gaping hole that tells me I did something horribly wrong, something I'm prone to. It's funny because I usually don't lack in quality but I rather just do something completely wrong and not have the sense to ask about it.

The video may be weak in regards to the narration, particularly in my voice's articulation. This type of analysis is a lot easier to speak in your head as you're walking on campus or in the shower, etc. I'm pretty sure everyone hates the sound of their own voice, and that's tough to accept when working on a project. And also my sources are pretty lame. That's probably what I mean with the whole "I did something stupidly wrong" part. Hope it's not too bad.

As for the good... I think it has some good production value considering it cost zero dollars to make. A good friend of mine was gracious enough to lend me his Final Cut Pro software and helped me record with his high-end microphone, and I couldn't thank him enough for that. I also think the script is decently well done. I've gotten a lot of compliments on it but we'll wait and see if that means anything.

I managed my time really well in regards to my research and actually putting the project together (recording, editing, basically everything you see). I just struggled mightily in getting all the side coursework done without procrastinating (you can tell by the time this was posted), which was something I vowed not to do this semester. I hope that isn't offensive.

Oh, and that friend of mine wouldn't let me borrow his software if I didn't include an ultra cheesy missile explodey effect, so just know that it's not my fault.

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