Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

After listing every pronoun used in my script, I've actually found something peculiar about my writing and use of pronouns in general.

I didn't use a terribly huge amount of pronouns in my essay; however, I noticed that most of the pronouns I used referred to the same subject, that of the film The Interview, and it bugged the crap out of me. In order to improve upon the overuse of a pronoun, I restructured some of my sentences to eliminate them/use more effective ones, while still retaining the fluidity of the script.

As for speaking with the audience, I only make use of that once in a cute little outro segment, basically so the video wouldn't end in an awkwardly abrupt state. While I wanted to engage the viewer in the material, I wanted to stay focused and keep the video in a journalistic perspective, especially because this controversy doesn't directly affect 99% of anyone who would watch it.

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